About Me

My research interests are in Ecological, Environmental, and Energy Economics, Sustainability, Trade, and Industrial Organization. I am particularly interested in multidisciplinary research addressing anthropogenic factors contributing to climate change.


Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Master of Liberal Arts Sustainability & Environmental Management 2016

University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Ph.D. Economics 2004

University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC

M.S. Economics 2000

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

B.A. Economics 1996


Deciphering the link between healthcare expenditure, corruption, and COVID-19 mortality, Scientific Reports, 2024.

Environmental Hypocrisy? Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Adoption and Pro-Environmental Attitudes in the United States
, Energy, 2024.

Greening the roads: Assessing the role of electric and hybrid vehicles in curbing CO
2 emissions, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024.

The Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Policies (with Mohammad Arzaghi), Energy Economics, 2023.

The Spatial Distribution of Agricultural Emissions in the United States: The Role of Organic Farming in Mitigating Climate Change
(with Gary Adamkiewicz), Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023.

Intelligence, Religiosity, and Environmental Emissions, Eastern Economic Journal, 2022.

Disentangling the link between Immigration and Environmental Emissions, Population and Environment, 2021.

Evaluating the Potential Economic, Environmental, and Social Benefits of Orange-Spotted Grouper Aquaculture in the United Arab Emirates, Marine Policy, 2020.

Is Religiosity Green in the United States? Economic Analysis and Policy, 2019.

Organic Farming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Longitudinal U.S. State-Level Study (with Gary Adamkiewicz), Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.

The Environmental Impact of Obesity: Longitudinal Evidence from the United States, Public Health, 2017.

Renewable Energy, Coal as a Baseload Power Source, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from U.S. State-Level Data, Energy, 2017.

How price inelastic is demand for gasoline in fuel-subsidizing economies? (with Mohammad Arzaghi), Energy Economics, 2015.

Is Obesity Associated with Global Warming? Public Health, 2014.

Intelligence, Creativity, and Innovation (with Kenneth Wilson), Intelligence, 2014.

Intelligence and Environmental Emissions, Intelligence, 2014.

Airline Passenger Traffic Openness and the Performance of Emirates Airline, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2014.

Arab passengers' airlines framework and performance: A cross countries analysis (with Brahim Elmorchid, Noha Samy, Khalid Sekkat), Middle East Development Journal, 2013.

Expected Returns to Education and Experience in the United Arab Emirates, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 2012.

A New Measure of Trade Openness (with Kenneth Wilson), The World Economy, 2011.

Is the Dollar Peg Suitable for the Largest Economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2011.

Advertising Expenditure, Enplanement and Market Concentration, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2010.

Mutual Forbearance, the Representativeness Heuristic, and Airline Safety, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2010.

An Analysis of Market Access (with Kenneth Wilson and Sarah Hugo), Applied Economics, 2010.

An Empirical Assessment of U.S. State-level Immigration and Environmental Emissions, Ecological Economics, 2010.

Measuring the Safety Elasticity of Advertising, Applied Economics Letters, 2009.

Immigration and Environmental Emissions: A U.S. County-Level Analysis, Population and Environment, 2009.

Openness and Access (with Kenneth Wilson), Applied Economics, 2009.

Restorative Advertising in the Airline Sector, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2009.

Do General Indexes Mask Sectoral Efficiencies? A Multiple Variance Ratio Assessment of Middle Eastern Equity Markets (with Hicham Benjelloun), International Journal of Managerial Finance, 2008.

An Analysis of Growth Competitiveness (with Kenneth Wilson and Sarah Hugo), International Review of Applied Economics, 2008.

Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: Bounds and Causality Analyses of OPEC Members, Energy Economics, 2007.

Sectoral Cointegration and Causality Analyses of the UAE Financial Markets, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 2007.

An Examination of European Growth Competitiveness (with Kenneth Wilson and Sarah Hugo), Economic and Business Review, 2007.

Accidents, Airline Safety Perceptions, and Consumer Demand (with Mohsen Saad), Journal of Economics and Finance, 2006.

A Nonparametric Assessment of Weak-Form Efficiency in the UAE Financial Markets, Applied Financial Economics, 2006.

A Sectoral Efficiency Analysis of the Amman Stock Exchange (with Mufeed Rawashdeh), Applied Financial Economics Letters, 2006.

Optimal Fares under Uncertainty about Airline Safety, Applied Economics Letters, 2005.

Do Consumers Have Imperfect Recollection about Airline Accidents? Applied Economics Letters, 2005.


Principles of Economics (2nd Middle East Edition) (with Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke), McGraw-Hill, 2015.

Managerial Economics and Business Strategy (8th Global Edition) (as a contributor with Michael Baye and Jeffrey Prince), McGraw-Hill, 2013.

Principles of Economics (1st Middle East Edition) (with Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke), McGraw-Hill, 2012.